About Us
The Lake County Rod & Gun Club maintains the following objectives:
- To unite in one organization those persons who are interested in the conservation of the natural resources of the State of Ohio.
- To correlate the efforts of those interested in conservation.
- To formulate standards and principles for the furtherance of conservation, education, and the promotion of good will between the sportsman and the property owner.
- To encourage legislation for the promotion of the above principles and to discourage legislation harmful to the above principles.
Incorporated on April 29, 1949 in Fairport Harbor, the Club now owns more than 300 acres in Madison Township, located on the south shore of the Wild and Scenic Grand River. Our private club property is maintained in a very rustic manner, providing secluded recreational opportunities for our members and a limited number of guests.
Members enjoy fishing, shooting sports of many types, camping, hunting, and peace and tranquility only a short distance from the center of Lake County.
The Lake County Rod & Gun Club is involved in conservation issues on a statewide basis while also providing outdoor educational opportunities for young sportsmen from Lake and surrounding counties.
For additional information, contact our Club via e-mail at [email protected]