We have many events during the year for club members. We will post event information online with dates, times and locations.
ANNAUL SUMMER PICNIC 2024: August 17th
You can get 15 work hours by purchasing $225.00 in tickets. Day of picnic greats, auction items, $10.00 and $20.00 card raffles for brand name guns. Club Picnic starts at 1:00 p.m. Bring the whole family for a fun day.
See the reservation form on events page: ANNAUL CLUB PICINIC
Annual Winter Banquet Raffle for 2024, April 27th
Kids needed to have a Hunters Education Class, call Doug McLean @ 440-346-7535.
3 COLT DRAWING raffled with limited tickets sold @ $20.00 each or 3 for $50.00. Tickets start the day of the picnic and guns will be drawn on meeting night 11/08/2023. Guns are a 3″ Colt Python Stainless, 4″ Colt Python Stainless, 5″ Colt 1911 .45 Limited. See Lonnie Sparkman for info.